Upcoming Events
Caregivers 2012

All shelter Care Staff employees are invited to a one day training seminar on April 19, 2012 from 9:00am - 4:00pm at The Fox Valley Humane Association, N115 Two Mile Road, Appleton, WI 54914.
Gain insight from shelter professionals with over 40 years of combined experience, learn safe and proper animal handling techniques, share knowledge, experiences, tips and tricks with other shelter Care Staff employees, learn about different breeds of dogs and their unique characteristics and end the day with a session on stress fatigue and the best ways of managing the issues you face while working at a shelter.
Kirsten Franke, DVM will also present an interactive session focusing on the various conditions and situations you will most likely encounter while working in a shelter environment. Take part in a fun, interactive quiz that will test your knowledge and perhaps dispel certain myths about working in a shelter, animal diseases and parasites, plus much more!
Caregivers 2012 Conference Schedule:
830am - 9:00am Registration
9:00am - 9:15am Welcome
Deb Lewis, Executive Director and Jenny Stark, Operations Coordinator at the Fox Valley Humane Association welcome attendees with survival techniques they have personally used for their combined 40 years of experience working at a humane society.
9:15am - 10:15am First Impressions
Dawn King, WFHS Board Member, will walk you through what the public sees when they come to visit your facility. How can you make your Humane Society more welcoming and visitor friendly? What can you do to improve that very important first impression?
10:15am - 10:30am BREAK
10:30am - 12:00pm Dog Behavior and Handling
How do you get that crazy dog out of the kennel? Carol Beck, established dog trainer and canine behavior consultant of 30 years will present on how to identify different canine breeds and specific breed characteristics, followed by safe animal handling techniques. Carol will present the many facets of breed specific behavior and ways to identify and correct problem areas.
12:00pm - 1:00pm LUNCH
1:00pm - 3:00pm Kirsten Franke, DVM
YAY...Pop Quiz time! Do you know what that lump is? Are you sure that's a tapeworm? That cat has what disease? This fun and interactive discussion will test your existing knowledge and perhaps dispel myths about the many facets of working in a shelter environment.
3:00pm - 3:15pm BREAK
3:15pm - 4:00pm Stress Management
Liz Pirner, current Events Coordinator and former Adoption Specialist and Care Staff employee at the Fox Valley Humane Association will end the day with a session on stress fatigue and the best ways to manage the problems you may face while working at a shelter.
Register Now! Space is Limited!
RSVP by April 13th!
Cost: $55 for WHFS Members; $65 for Non-Members
To Register, please print and complete the Registration Form and mail it, along with payment (by April 13th), to:
Fox Valley Humane Association
Attn: Caregivers April 2012
N115 Two Mile Road
Appleton, WI 54914