Position Statements
WFHS Board of Directors has adopted Position Statements on the following to promote and guide humane organizations and individuals in Wisconsin to further the Societies mission by striving for the best possible treatment of animals. Download the full details here.
- Animals as Entertainment
- Animal Fighting/Blood Events
- Animals in the Classroom
- Cat Protection Laws
- Commercial Endorsements
- Companion Animal “Fence Free” Containment Systems
- Companion Animal Identification Programs
- Companion Animals in Rental Housing
- Cosmetic Surgery and De-clawing of Cats
- Dog Auctions
- Easter Chicks, Rabbits and Other Animals for Holiday Sale
- Euthanasia
- Feral Cats/Neuter and Return
- Ferret Adoptions
- Giveaways for Commercial Promotion
- Interstate Animal Transport
- Legislation Banning Specific Breeds
- Overpopulation of Companion Animals
- Pound Seizure and Purpose Breeding of Animals
- Pre-adoption Sterilization of Shelter Animals
- Prepubescent Neutering of Sheltered Kittens and Puppies
- Puppy Mills and Companion Animal Mass Breeding
- Rabies Vaccinations
- Rodeos
- Sale of Animals in Pet Stores
- Service Animals
- Show Dogs and Cats
- Spay/Neuter Clinics
- Tranquilizer Guns/Chemical Immobilization
- Wild Animals as Companion Animals/Exotic Companion Animals
- Wildlife Killing Contests
- Positive Reinforcement Training Methods
- Tethering